ecomize, led upgrades, md led upgrades, md electrical

LEDs produce abundant light using little energy when compared to old-fashioned bulbs. EcoMize can help you save money while increasing the quality of lighting in your home or commercial building.

Save Money & Qualify for Rebates

Baltimore Gas & Electric (BGE) customers qualify for lighting discounts through their Smart Energy Savers Program. The energy efficiency professionals at EcoMize USA have helped thousands of families and commercial property managers take advantage of the energy savings and rebates from BGE. Often these LED upgrades are part of a Quick Home Energy Check-Up (QHEC) where our energy auditors also check other easy home performance savings.

LED Retrofit Benefits

  • Energy Efficiency & Savings

LEDs use 70%-90% less electricity than incandescent bulbs. The cost savings add up to about $55 per light bulb!

  • Long Life

LEDs last on average about 50 times longer than incandescent light bulbs, so you won’t have to waste time or money on switching them out as frequently!

  • Variety

LEDs come in a variety of styles, brightness, and spectrums (warm to cool)!

Easy LED Upgrades with EcoMize

Why wait to replace your standard light bulbs with LEDs? Our electrical team is ready to assess your lighting needs, recommend the right replacement LED bulbs and install long-life LEDs wherever they’re needed. And as part of a QHEC, you’ll also qualify for free water-saving faucets and showerheads, power strips and other energy-saving upgrades.

Upgrade to LEDs with help from our team by calling 410-446-7283 or contacting us today!

Electric Troubleshooting »

Upgrade your old bulbs with LEDs.

Save energy, money & time!


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126 Church Lane,
Cockeysville, Maryland 21030


Hours of operation: M-F 8a - 5p

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Rebates up to $10,000 or 75% of project costs are available with an EcoMize Home Performance with Energy Star Energy Audit (HPwES)